In this world the use of computer is there in almost all field and the knowledge of using the computer is a must .Only knowing the use is not enough ,we should also know how to troubleshoot it and we should also know how to overcome the usual problems that occur in our PC's and i analyzed many of such problems and posted the problems and its solutions and some of the cool and amazing tricks and also some of the hacks in my blog ie;
Please see this blog and learn some of the masterly secrets of computers.

I am basically a student and from the age of 10 i was very much interested in computer and its application and at the age of 14 i started to learn more about now days computer problems which usually occur and i started giving many answers to the doubts which many had about the usage of computer and all really usefull tricks and hacks and completed my course in hardware application and hardware assembly of computer.....

for more:-

About me

I am basically a student and from the age of 10 i was very much interested in computer and its application and at the age of 14 i started to learn more about now days computer problems which usually occur and i started giving many answers to the doubts which many had about the usage of computer and all really usefull tricks and hacks and completed my course in hardware application and hardware assembly of computer..... for more:-


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